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Sunday, May 2, 2010


Went to the tattoo parlor in Long Island today with my brother. Meant to enhance the dragon wrapped around my arm but, as I saw how much empty space would be left after adding the new elements, I decided to have a new image added. The Koi fish now has become a part of the overall design. Why a Koi fish you may ask? Let me explain.

According to Japanese legend if a koi succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.More generally, the Japanese associate koi (also known as carp) with perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals.Others say it means good fortune or luck.

Therefore, I thought it was appropriate to add the design to symbolize my struggle to become greater than I am as a writer. The Koi I had inked on my flesh also isn't just a regular one. It happens to be part dragon and symbolizes the transition it is making. (That's exactly how I feel) So, what started off as a "You know what? I want this dragon to have some background to make it stand out" has evolved into a whole sleeve. (From shoulder to wrist)

Also, the background is amazing, although I have to go back for one more session to have the shading done. From my elbow to my wrist, the background is very stylized water. The Koi fish is partially wrapped around my forearm and is shown splashing in it. On my Bicep, going all the way to my shoulder, there is a majestic cloud design with wind. That's where the dragon that wraps around my entire left arm head sits. But, my dragon is not baring it's teeth or snarling. It's mouth is closed and it remains majestically serene, even in the middle of the wild winds of a storm. And, that's exactly how I am. Eternally calm, even in the face of adversity. I try my best to never despair because I know, I feel in my heart that I am blessed & protected. Forever faithful.

(Sorry I haven't updated much but I'm back on it.)

The next blog post: Let's get into what it was like to create my 2nd novel, Open Spaces.

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