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Sunday, April 10, 2011


There’s a real war going on and it can get ugly. It causes strife between nations and even within our own households. It sometimes gets even more intimate as this eternal struggle spills over into our hearts and causes us to be at odds with ourselves. It’s a simple matter of choice but the side we choose can have dire consequences.

THE ORDINARY: There are basic people who see everything through plain eyes. To them, there isn’t anything special about anything. They’re easily satisfied by sending subtle, slight, tingles to their five senses. Those are the ones who will walk through this life like machines, doing what they’re supposed to do, in the way things have always been done. They will die with the belief that if something isn’t broken, why fix it? If something is good enough, why make it better? They harbor hate for change or anything different from themselves.

THE INCREDIBLE: There are those people who were designed differently from everyone else and accept their uniqueness with open arms. They don’t run from or shy away from the fact that they see magic in the simplest of things. (At times, moving with radicals may seem like extra-ordinary behavior but it really isn’t if there’s an army of people moving in that direction too. What’s so special about that?) Incredible people aren’t afraid to go in a totally different direction from EVERYONE else. In fact, they yearn for that opportunity to go where no one else has ever been.

THE WAR: As I mentioned before, there’s a war going on. It’s destructive because it makes no sense. The ordinary people seem to despise the incredible ones which seems odd to me. After all, the incredibles, if you will, are the ones who make life interesting for the ordinary folk. Who else is going to give the world beautiful things to touch, taste, smell, see and hear? The war is fought out of jealousy I think. The ordinary ones are always trying to tell the dreamers to get their head out of the clouds. The regular folk always want the irregulars to do exactly what they do or risk being made an outcast. The battles become so fierce that more than a few people allow the creative side of them to die, slowly, without putting up much of a fight. They become empty husks of what they were meant to be and the world is poorer for it.

GENERAL REEM: (Yes, I claim the title "general" because I actually DO what many pretend to do so yeah, I'm entitled!) I’ve been fighting that war my whole life and I rep the side of the incredible ones. I’m not saying I’m amazing but I try damn hard to be. I can’t bring myself to conform….even in the face of adversity……even if it causes me pain. After all, I’ll proudly wear a few scars for a worthy cause. I believe that if you look for magic, even in the simplest of things, you’ll always be in love with the greatest gift we were given…… LIFE!

***Hmmm? Now, the catch is finding worthy recruits. To surround yourself with unique people makes life much more interesting, entertaining and happy***


  1. Great blog post, Reem. Interesting topic that was very *creatively* expressed... Keep it up.


  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment. I promise to keep it interesting : )
